Get A Mentor - How important is it to have a mentor in business? It's critical! It's not just a nice to have it's a MUST HAVE. There's a reason why all the most successful business people have mentors. It's because you need people who've been where you have been to help guide you through the twists and turns of success.

Before I found my currant mentors, I'd spent a fortune failing and far too much time (years I'll never get back) trying to implement methods that just didn't work and never would. I was like a wind up toy that kept trying and trying to walk though the same brick wall over and over again.

But in only 18 months from the time I decided to shut up, listen and learn from people who had done what I wanted to do many times over, I went from being an MLM failure to making over $100K working part time all the while still holding down a full time teaching job; and I owe it all not only to getting the proper mentoring and guidance from the right mentors, but also to the fact that I was willing to listen to them and put their knowledge into massive action every day.

Lead With The Product - Using the income from your regular job can be a bit of a sticky wicket at first so you'll need to budget for it. This is why getting your MLM to fund your MLM as quickly as possible is so important. But how you ask? Well... (Drum roll please) by selling your product of course...but not the way you've been taught by your upline and Network Marketing Company.

You wont be buying any more brochures, DVDs, CDs or fact the only thing you will be paying for when you first get started are leads, but not those expensive opportunity leads that your company is pushing on you...those are worthless. You also won't be calling your friends and family to harass into joining your new business opportunity nor will you be employing the three foot belly to belly rule; your acquaintances are off limits from now on!

You see those methods only work in the company's favor. In fact only 3% of all MLM reps ever make it anywhere near the big league; a stat that neither the companies nor their reps readily divulge. So where does this leave you as a budding Network Marketer if you don't have people to chase around and pester anymore? You will need people to share your wares with, but if your warm market is off limits as well as anyone within arms length, whose left?

Hmm, well how about people who have already expressed a want need or desire for what you have? There are a lot of potential customers and business builders out there searching for what you have, learn how to tap into that niche market and have customers and prospects coming to you for a change...what a concept.

And leading with the product instead of the business opportunity is the quickest way to build a clientele of people who truly love your product and continue to buy it on a monthly basis. Not only have that, but those who truly love the product or service make the absolute best business builders!

Make A Schedule And Stick To It - Network Marketing is a great way to take care of your monetary future as well of your families' future by building a powerful residual income, but how to do this with a full time job? Scheduling is the key.

This is the hardest thing for most folks to master, and believe me it wasn't my strongest suite in the beginning either, but I can't stress enough how important this is even if you don't have a full time job, but if you do have a full time job it is non negotiable.

Perhaps one of the reasons sticking to a business schedule of your own making is because it not only takes a lot of discipline but more importantly it takes a far different mind set than most people who have been employed by others are used to.

Sure you may have no problem with a work schedule that your employer has put together for you but budget your own business schedule takes a business owner attitude. In other words when scheduling for yourself you need to wear two hats, one being the business owner and the other one being the employer.

If you think nepotism is a problem in other businesses imagine what can happen if you're your own about favoritism and getting away with murder on the job. But the fact is, if you can't be honest with yourself as to what kind of an employee you are for yourself, murdering your business is may be a sad inevitability.

In closing - Treat your network marketing business like the real business that you want it to be. If you play with it like a hobby it will always be a hobby and it will always cost you more than it makes you.

I wish you great success in your Home Based MLM Business.

Ellen Franzoso is a home based business consultant living in New York who is currently helping hundreds of people to achieve their business dreams.

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